How to make a proper cup of tea...According to the British physicist


There are a lot of discussions going around a proper cup of tea preparation. There are several chicken vs. egg debates, the most famous of them being the milk first vs. tea first battle and to microwave or not to microwave cross-continental argue. Not talking about such extremes as adding salt, or, God (or science, for atheists among us) forbid, honey. Today I will end those never-ending debates by providing a step-by-step guide on how to make a perfect cup of tea from a famous inside internal circles physicist and proper (read British) tea advocate A. T. H..

Proper Ingredients and Equipment

  • A Cattle.
  • Regular milk.
  • Water.
  • A loose-leaf Yorkshire(!) tea. Other brands of tea could be considered acceptable only if you live/were born outside Britain.
  • A Tea Strainer.
  • A Tea Cozy.
  • A Tea Cup, fine bone china preferably. If you are outside Britain, a Mug will also work.
  • A Ceramic (!) Tea Pot.
  • Regular milk.

  • Water.

  • A loose-leaf Yorkshire(!) tea. Other brands of tea could be considered acceptable only if you live/were born outside Britain.

  • A Tea Strainer.

  • A Tea Cozy.

  • A Tea Cup, fine bone china preferably. If you are outside Britain, a Mug will also work.

  • A Ceramic (!) Tea Pot.

Preparation Ritual, aka "this way only" instruction


Put the water into the cattle to boil.


Pour hot water into the tea pot to warm it up.


While the water reaches boiling condition, add tea to the tea pot, 1 ts for a cup. Always add additional ts for the tea pot. (Ask a Brit why a tea pot also needs tea).


Once the water boiled, immidiately poor it into the tea pot.


Close the tea pot lid and put a tea cozy on for approximately 4-5 minutes.


Poor the milk into the cup.


After 4-5 minutes passed, poor the tea into the tea cup with milk.


Enjoy your proper cup of tea!

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